Spices For Healthy Eating

Spices For Healthy Eating
Spices For Healthy Eating

Many of the daily spices not only add spiciness to the dish and improve its taste, but are also extremely useful for your health.

Here is the action of some of the most popular spices in Bulgarian cuisine.


Cumin improves blood circulation, helps with cough, relieves pain in the stomach and intestines. Cumin can also be used as a tea (1 teaspoon of cumin is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and after 10 minutes filtered). The tea is drunk warm, in small sips. It removes gas and spasms in the digestive tract.


Recommended for anemia and cardiovascular disease. Purifies the blood, cures impotence and has an antiseptic effect.


In traditional Indian medicine, cardamom is considered the best digestive stimulant, which, unlike pepper, mustard, onion and garlic, does not irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach. Indian doctors believe that cardamom also helps with nausea.


Recommended for cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, memory impairment in old age, hernia and bronchitis. Clove also stimulates the appetite and eliminates gastrointestinal pain.


Mint infusion improves blood circulation, relieves heaviness in the stomach and helps with the disorder. Peppermint tea (2-3 cups a day) removes heartburn.


Relieves the symptoms of colds and shortens their period.


Parsley infusion is useful for fluid retention in the body, including swelling of the veins. The leaves are ground with a meat grinder, flooded with boiling water and boiled for 8-10 hours. Then the mixture is filtered and the juice of one lemon is added. Take 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals for 3-5 days (not during pregnancy).


For centuries, it has been used to treat the kidneys and stomach. It is also recommended for varicose veins, as it relieves pain and improves blood circulation.


Helps with indigestion, cleanses the blood, improves liver function, protects against coughs and colds, and thanks to its antiseptic action has a tonic effect (especially on the skin).


It has anti-inflammatory and healing effects. Stimulates heart activity, regulates digestion. Recommended in the diet - in diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder.


Especially hot red pepper is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins. The amount of vitamin C in pepper is much higher even than in lemon. The spice not only stimulates the appetite, improves digestion and blood circulation, but also creates an unfavorable environment for the development of many types of bacteria. It also helps with rheumatism.

Infusions of various spices are prepared as follows (unless explicitly stated otherwise): pour 1 cup of boiled water 1 tbsp. finely chopped fresh herbs (or 1 tsp dried) and brew them for 2-3 minutes. The liquid is filtered and taken in small sips.
