Healthy Eating For Men

Healthy Eating For Men
Healthy Eating For Men

Food is more than fuel. Diet can help fight disease, give strength and even rejuvenate. How a person eats throughout his life can help predict how well (or not) he will grow old. Here, however, it is important to note that men have different daily nutritional needs from women.

There are many factors that can affect the nutritional requirements of both men and women. Everyone is different and factors such as body size, muscle mass, level of physical activity and diseases that change nutritional needs can change the amount of different nutrients that should be consumed as part of the daily diet.

The healthy diet of men includes vitamins, minerals and fiber. To get these important ingredients daily, you should eat at least 150 grams of fresh fruits and 200 grams of vegetables every day.

Include whole grains in your diet. Replace refined flour with wholemeal bread, cereals, pasta, brown rice or oats. Men's health requires at least two or three servings of fish a week.

In order for a man's body to be healthy, fiber is also needed. Young men should get at least 40 grams a day, and for those over 50 - 30 grams.

Replace saturated fats such as whole milk foods, butter and jam with unsaturated fats such as olive oil, nuts, fish.

The male body needs and at least 4,500 milligrams of potassium per day. We can get it from fruits, vegetables, fish and milk.

Because men have more muscle and are usually bigger than women, they need more calories throughout the day. Moderately active men should eat 2,000 to 2,800 calories a day. Energy needs depend on height, weight and level of activity.

For energy, weight management and disease prevention, men should eat whole grains such as whole grain breads, pasta, cereals, brown rice, oats, barley, fruits and vegetables.

These foods are high in fiber, help control hunger and fullness, and help prevent certain cancers, such as prostate and colon cancer.

Most men prefer to eat meat because of the notion that more protein equals more muscle mass. This is not the case unless intensive training is included. However, overeating with meat is associated with heart disease and colorectal cancer in men.

To eat healthily, men need to cut down on red meat and instead focus on more fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products. This will not only help them maintain their weight, but will also help keep their blood pressure within normal limits.

Set aside saturated fats from meat, cheese and fried foods. Instead, focus on foods with unsaturated fats such as olive oil, canola oil, nuts, seeds and avocados.
