A Short List Of Healthy Foods

A Short List Of Healthy Foods
A Short List Of Healthy Foods

We all know that all foods are different in terms of nutrients. Almonds are better and healthier than peanuts, wholemeal bread is more useful than white bread, baked goods are better for the body than fried ones.

Healthy foods can still be found in supermarkets. Even maybe you have a lot of them in your closets and refrigerators at the moment. What is new is not food, but that we already know how useful and healthy some of them are for us and how well they work on the human body.

Healthy foods are by definition those rich in fiber, quite nutritious and nutritious, protecting us from disease and those that spare the human body and contribute to a longer life. It is not surprising that these foods are found in nature, they do not need additional processing and treatment, they are natural.

Healthy foods
Healthy foods

For example, strawberries and blueberries. They are extremely useful and are ready to eat fresh. According to various studies and research, small stone fruits such as strawberries and blueberries have been shown to contain ingredients that protect the human brain from radiation damage.

The chemical feature of blueberries is the content of anthocyanin in them, from which they acquire their color. Also due to the content of this substance, blueberries act as antioxidants. According to a study, blueberries are the number one strong antioxidant compared to 40 other fruits and vegetables.


Small stone fruits and in particular blueberries are not the only ones that rank in the category of good foods. Others are avocado, beans, dark chocolate and others.

Avocados have a significant fat content, but they are useful and unsaturated fats. Like olives and avocados, they have good fats for our body that help lower cholesterol by balancing it to the right levels.

Avocado is also a very good option for combination with other foods, as its ingredients help the body absorb the nutrients of other products.


Beans contain betaine and this makes it extremely good for the heart. It also contains lutein, which protects the eyes from sunlight.

Dark chocolate helps with low blood pressure. The special power of dark chocolate is due to the flavonoids it contains, which are a type of antioxidant. Flavonoids are also found in apples, tea, onions and peanuts, but their content in dark chocolate is higher.

Oats are also an extremely useful food. Eating raw oats is not one of the most appetizing things, but oatmeal products are much tastier than oatmeal. Oats are a source of vitamins and minerals, are high in fiber and low in sugar and have been shown to lower blood cholesterol.

This is an extremely short list of useful and important foods that can protect you from side effects and ensure excellent health. Consumption of moderate amounts of them and other foods would contribute to a healthier body.
