A List Of Foods That Protect Us From Cancer

A List Of Foods That Protect Us From Cancer
A List Of Foods That Protect Us From Cancer

Experts believe that over 50% of cancers can be prevented with proper nutrition. For many people, the idea is not good for financial reasons.

The truth is that there are a huge number of widely available foods from which to compile an anti-cancer menu and to include in the diet.

A list of foods that fight cancer and have a strong prophylactic effect has been compiled. These are mainly fruits, nuts and vegetables.

Here are the foods rated with the best anti-cancer effect: carrots, watermelons, pistachios, turnips, legumes, dill.

- Carrots guarantee a reduction in the risk of cancer by up to 30%. You just need to be at your table regularly and eat two or three times a day;


- Watermelon has a high content of lycopene. It is a substance that reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer by almost 30%;

- Pistachio loads with the component gamma tocopherol, and it, in turn, has an antitumor effect against lung cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer;

- Turnips are a food that not everyone likes, but this must change, because its benefits are great. It is rich in anthocyanin, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the colon;


- Legumes - no less are the benefits of legumes. With regular use, they maintain an optimal level of butyrate. These are fatty acids that prevent malignant changes in the cells of the body;

- Dill also has an anti-cancer effect. It contains flavonoids, protects against lung cancer and oral cancer.


With regular use of these healthy foods you will avoid the risk of a terrible disease.
