Food And Drink For Tonsillitis

Food And Drink For Tonsillitis
Food And Drink For Tonsillitis

When you suffer from a sore throat caused by tonsillitis, eating and drinking can sound like a real challenge to you. The most common symptoms of inflamed tonsils are sore throat when swallowing, fever, chills, pain in the ears or jaw.

Eating foods rich in nutrients that are easy to swallow is an ideal way to fight infection.

In this article you will find out how to eat with tonsillitis and which are the most appropriate food and drinks.

Drinks for tonsillitis

Broth for inflamed tonsils
Broth for inflamed tonsils

Hydration is crucial when you suffer from tonsillitis. Excessive fluid intake will keep your energy levels stable and avoid dehydration. If you are dehydrated, the recovery time can be much longer.

Drink cold or soft drinks such as cold water, juices or chicken broth. Drinks can be consumed hot, but avoid hot drinks, which can further irritate the throat.

Juices with large amounts of acid should be avoided - grapefruit juice, lemonade and orange juice. Caffeinated beverages such as cola, coffee and tea should also be excluded from the diet for inflamed tonsils.

Soft foods for tonsillitis

Eat roasted pumpkin with inflamed tonsils
Eat roasted pumpkin with inflamed tonsils

Start eating soft foods such as pudding, apple puree and yogurt. Creamy food is easily swallowed without causing pain.

Gradually start including more food in your diet as the sore throat starts to improve. Baked fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears and carrots are a good start. Mashed potatoes, roasted pumpkin, pasta and rice are also great choices. Vegetable and meat soups are a healthy choice for people suffering from tonsillitis.

Solid foods for tonsillitis

Roasting chicken
Roasting chicken

Try to add normal food to your meals when you feel you are completely ready. Inflamed tonsils can cause a sore throat for several weeks. Take painkillers to avoid pain when eating.

It is still extremely important to avoid certain solid foods until the inflammation is completely gone. Bet on foods that won't irritate your throat, such as roast chicken, roast beef, whole grain breads and whole fruits.
