10 Foods For A Healthy Pancreas

10 Foods For A Healthy Pancreas
10 Foods For A Healthy Pancreas

The pancreas is very important for our body and many body functions depend on it. This organ is involved in two vital functions of the body: digestive and hormonal. It produces enzymes involved in the digestion of food and hormones that regulate metabolic processes in the body.

Any damage to the pancreas leads to serious consequences and long-term, sometimes lifelong treatment. What foods should be included in your diet so as not to endanger this critical organ?

See some in the following lines products that are good for the pancreas:


The apigenin contained in broccoli protects pancreatic tissue from pathogenic effects. To get the maximum amount of healthy nutrients, try using broccoli raw or lightly stewed.


spinach for a healthy pancreas
spinach for a healthy pancreas

Spinach is an excellent choice for maintaining the health of the pancreas. According to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, a diet that includes spinach and other vegetables provides reliable protection against pancreatic cancer.


Yogurt contains probiotics that strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For the pancreas, low-fat milks that do not include flavorings, colors, or flavor enhancers are most beneficial.


Pumpkin neutralizes hydrochloric acid, has a soft and delicate structure, does not contain much fiber. It also contains carotene, potassium, B vitamins, magnesium, copper, iron and pectins. This vegetable is ideal for feeding patients with pancreatitis.

Sweet potato

Reminiscent of the pancreas in shape, sweet potatoes protect it, provide a slow flow of sugar in the bloodstream and relieve the digestive system from unnecessary stress.

Jerusalem artichoke

goulash is a useful food for the pancreas
goulash is a useful food for the pancreas

Jerusalem artichoke is also called earth apple or goulash. In appearance, this root crop is similar to ginger root, and tastes like sweet potatoes. The aboveground part of the earth apple grows up to 2-4 meters and looks like a sunflower.

Its use helps to normalize metabolic processes and relieve inflammation in the pancreas. In addition, the juice of this vegetable prevents the development of diabetes, and also prevents the development of atherosclerosis, which is a common phenomenon in pancreatitis.


Blueberries are indispensable for people with diabetes. Blueberry leaf tea, like fresh fruit, lowers blood sugar and stimulate the pancreas. By using blueberries as part of various herbal mixtures, you can get rid of foci of inflammation in the pancreas, as well as cleanse the liver and improve bile secretion. In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, blueberries are consumed only in mashed (mashed, ground) form and after heat treatment.


Given that in pancreatic disease, doctors recommend a significant reduction in the portion of carbohydrates in the diet, buckwheat dishes will take their rightful place in the patient's diet. At the same time, buckwheat is not devoid of plant fiber, which contributes to normal digestion, bowel cleansing and removal of toxins. Buckwheat is considered one of the most popular products that help treat pancreatitis. It is allowed from the fifth day after the start of the diet, when the symptoms of pain are reduced. Buckwheat porridge is prepared by mashing thoroughly after cooking. You should eat such a dish without oil, salt or sugar.

Red grapes

red grapes
red grapes

Red grapes are an excellent source of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that rids cells of free radicals. Resveratrol strengthens blood vessels and reduces inflammation. This substance also reduces cell death (apoptosis) in pancreatic cancer.

Licorice root

This medicinal herb has long been used for many health problems, including pancreatic problems. Decoction of licorice root is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, can reduce the pain and swelling that often accompany pancreatitis.

It is recommended to drink three or more cups of licorice root tea or take supplements every day. You should know that in some people, when taking licorice medication, blood pressure rises. Consult a doctor before taking it or measuring your blood pressure regularly.

Nutritionists believe that a moderate approach to nutrition helps to maintains the health of the pancreas. The diet should include lean meat and fish, olive oil, cereals, vegetables and fruits, stewed fruits and jelly, dried white bread, dairy products. Alcohol, coffee, smoked meats, pastries and rolls should be excluded from the diet.

The pancreas is extremely important for the life of the whole organism. Therefore, if you feel pain in this area, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. After all, it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it long and exhaustingly.
