Russian Herbal Teas

Russian Herbal Teas
Russian Herbal Teas

When we talk about teas, everyone thinks that the topic is related to the Chinese or Japanese tea tradition or the so-called English tea time.

However, the truth is that when it comes to herbal teas, we can not connect them with Russia and other Russian-speaking countries. Due to the characteristic climatic features, namely the vast parts of Russia, where it is often too cold, these hot drinks are accepted as a real blessing by the locals.

It is interesting to mention that tea penetrated into Russia only in the 17th century, and before that the most popular hot drink was sbiten, prepared from a variety of ingredients, but always with honey.

According to legend, in the first half of the 17th century, the Mongol khan, choosing gifts for the Russian tsar, placed between expensive skins and fabrics and several bundles of tea, which was initially accepted as an insult by the Russian envoy, who decided that it was the most common grass.. At first, the Tsar really did not like tea, but after the Russian aristocracy learned how to sweeten this drink, tea gradually began to become an integral part of Russian cuisine.

Russian herbal tea
Russian herbal tea

The characteristic of the preparation of Russian tea is that until recently it was made with the help of a samovar. Even today, some households, especially those in more remote villages, have a samovar and use it when they want to start their day with a cup of hot tea.

Here's how to make your own traditional Russian herbal teawhich at your discretion to consume hot or cold, clean or sweetened.

Blackcurrant and rosehip tea

From dried and crushed rose hips a decoction is made, which is boiled together with water for about 5 minutes. It is poured over the dried blackcurrant leaves and the tea is left to stand for 15 minutes. It is important to know that the ratio of rose hips and blackcurrants is 5: 1.

Raspberry tea, black currant and oregano

The dried raspberry fruits, blackcurrant leaves and oregano are poured with boiling water and left to stand for about 15 minutes, after which the tea prepared in this way is ready for consumption.

Blackberry tea, wild strawberries, willow, black currant, rose hips and savory

Pour cold water over all the fruits and boil for 5 minutes. Pour the liquid into a porcelain dish, add the savory and let it simmer for 20 minutes.
