Black Teas

Black Teas
Black Teas

Tea, whose homeland is China, has become an indispensable invigorating drink all over the world. Whether you eat it hot or cold, with a sweetener or not, it is present in almost every household.

Although countries like Britain and Japan are proud of their tea traditions, the truth is that they originated from the place where it was discovered more than 4,700 years ago - China. There and today the knowledge of different types of tea, as well as their preparation, is a real art that few manage to touch.

They were the first to invent porcelain teapots and teacups, which Europeans failed to make until the mid-17th century. The Tea Route, which connected China and Russia and lasted nearly a year and a half, but which spread tea all over the world, also passed through here.

Most Chinese prefer green tea, but it is also widespread in Europe black tea. The reason is that it can easily replace morning coffee, and according to recent studies, the energy it gives us is much longer than that of coffee.

Here's what it's important to know about black tea and how it's made:


1. Although they are called black teas, the decoction obtained from them has a yellowish to orange color, depending on what kind you use and how much you keep it brewing;

2. It is characteristic of black teas that their taste, unlike yellow ones, always changes. This means that with each sip you will feel a different taste of tea;

3. Most black teas are highly aromatic;

4. According to the beliefs of the Russians, and many other peoples, in the preparation of black tea infusion put 1 tsp for each cup and one for the teapot, then leave the tea to stand in the teapot 2-5 minutes before serving;

5. If you like to drink stronger black teas, do not offer them to young children, and do not drink them just before bedtime, because they have a coffee-like effect;

6. Black teas were once produced in very small quantities, as attempts by ordinary peasants to grow tea seeds were unsuccessful. For centuries, only emperors and royalty enjoyed black tea.
