Feed The Body And It Will Reward You

Feed The Body And It Will Reward You
Feed The Body And It Will Reward You

The vast majority of our modern society is obese. Unfortunately, this process does not select certain people and both children and adults suffer from it.

The moment you decide it's high time to change yourself and your eating habits, you need to know how to do it the right way - don't start starving abruptly.

It is a misconception that the less you eat, the faster you will lose weight. Now we will explain why the formula of the main breakfast, lunch and dinner, combined with 1-2 intermediate light snacks will help you much more in the fight against excess weight.

You've probably seen sumo wrestlers, if not live, then at least on television. If the average Japanese weighs an average of about 66 kg, the sumo wrestlers do not lose less than 150 kg. How do they eat to be so fat? Isn't your regime similar?

It turns out that sumo wrestlers miss breakfast, then eat one or two extremely large portions of food at 11 a.m. and have dinner at 6 p.m. If they have eaten 2 servings, they go to bed to rest for about 4 hours. Although these people are highly valued in Japan, you probably don't dream of their figure. That is why you should try to eat more than twice a day, but nutritious and healthy food.

The first and most important thing to maintain a good figure is breakfast. It gives a great start to the day by energizing you and stabilizing your blood sugar levels. If we talk about lunch - better eat light things in combination with salad.


Surely you have eaten to burst so as not to put a bite in your mouth until the evening. Is it nice? You return to work overeating, overweight, tired and sleepy. Stop causing it to yourself.

The digestive system processes the consumed food for about 2.5-3 hours. If you spend an average of 6-8 hours of sleep, this means that 5-6 meals, relatively smaller than what you have eaten so far, will have a beneficial effect on the body and increase metabolism.

However, it is important to remember that you should eat only when you feel like eating. If you do not feel hungry, you can reduce their number, but ideally the three main ones with at least one snack, whether in the afternoon or morning.
