Feed Your Brain And Intellect With These Products! They Really Work

Feed Your Brain And Intellect With These Products! They Really Work
Feed Your Brain And Intellect With These Products! They Really Work

A specific pigment in leafy vegetables stops the breakdown of crystallized intelligence that comes with the accumulation of stress and age, scientists have discovered. Crystallized intelligence is the ability to use knowledge, experience and skills acquired throughout life.

Lutein is a yellow pigment and a naturally occurring carotenoid that is produced by plants and can only be obtained after a long diet, including leafy vegetables.

With the largest amount lutein there is in the well-known in our latitudes herb calendula. Also rich in pigment are spinach, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, mangoes, oranges, papayas, red and green peppers, as well as egg yolks and animal fats, as animals consume this pigment from plants.

Lutein accumulates in the brain and builds up in cell membranes, where it probably plays a role in neuroprotection, says study leader Marta Zamrozievich. Previous studies have found that the level of lutein in the human body is associated with cognitive indicators that have throughout life.

Studies also show that lutein accumulates in the gray matter of areas of the brain that are known to underlie the preservation of cognitive function in healthy brain aging.

Zamrozievich's study analyzed the effect of lutein on the cognitive function of 122 healthy adults between the ages of 65 and 75. Subjects had to complete the neuropsychological study related to crystallized intelligence.

Blood samples were taken to assess lutein levels, and the researchers measured the brain volume of the volunteers using MR images.

The focus of the study was on parts of the temporal cortex, as this area of the brain is important for maintaining crystallized intelligence. The results show that people with higher lutein levels in the blood serum performed better in the tests.

So don't think about it, but eat lutein regularly to keep it the health of your brain and intellect its for a long time.
