Why Exclude Wheat From Our Menu?

Why Exclude Wheat From Our Menu?
Why Exclude Wheat From Our Menu?

More and more people know that white flour is not what it used to be. Today's white flour is unhealthy and lacks nutrients because it is treated with bleaching chemicals.

There is still a misconception that whole wheat is a nutritious product. This is no longer the case, everything has changed over the years. See how many people have weight problems, children are obese and all the evil comes from what we eat ourselves. Food is the root of evil and leads to a number of diseases.

If you follow the following tips, you will not have health problems.

The first step to a healthy life is to give up wheat. Today's varietal seeds are treated with chemicals, some of which are toxic. Scientists are experimenting by crossing different species and what happens is not edible or, if it is, not good for health.

In addition to being treated with chemical mutagens, varietal seeds are also irradiated to produce a mutation, and hence a new variety. These mutations are sometimes more dangerous than GMOs.

To keep it in good condition and free of insects, wheat is sometimes sprayed with pesticides, fungicides and other chemical poisons. Estrogenic properties have been found that lead to breast cancer, early puberty and hormonal problems.

When the wheat is harvested, it is stored, if there are creeping reptiles in it, it is sprayed with toxic gas. If it is dried at a high temperature, it destroys all useful substances. Synthetic enhancers are then added. These enhancers are difficult for the body to absorb and here is a health problem.


Most often, the negative effects of consuming such wheat products are related to the digestive system, intestinal irritation and gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein, but there are people who are intolerant to it.

This protein is in two parts; the first is gluten - it makes the dough elastic, and the second is gliadin - it mimics the effect of opiates on the human brain, increases appetite, makes us eat more and more.

There is an addiction to food and more precisely to wheat and all pasta. Manufacturers use this addiction and dependence. They include wheat in more and more processed foods. So people will buy more and overeat.

Scientists have found that if we remove wheat from our diet, we will be healthier and healthier. With it we expect only problems such as dementia, neuropathy, high sugar levels and a number of other problems.

Every reasonable person should think about how to eat in the future in view of his health.
