Why Refuse Wheat Flour Products

Why Refuse Wheat Flour Products
Why Refuse Wheat Flour Products

One has always known that pasta is not the most useful. But now more and more often nutritionists are talking about the need to abandon them altogether.

Gluten disease, not a simple allergic reaction to flour products, is one of the most serious causes. This is an absolute intolerance to products from the protein part of wheat flour.

The lining of the small intestine cannot tolerate gluten and the body's immune response occurs. For a person suffering from gluten disease, the usual allergic reaction to these products causes an upset stomach, he stops processing food and this contributes to the development of pathogenic bacteria that enter the bloodstream.

This leads not only to constant intoxication of the whole organism, but also to damage of blood vessels in the brain, and all this causes a person to become depressed.

Fatigue, lack of tone - many people stop flour products because they know that they make them feel too tired and without energy during the day.


The explanation is that flour products are able to upset the balance of minerals in the body, which in turn creates a deficiency of magnesium, and it controls metabolism and processes related to the formation and division of protein.

Flour products fill up - this does not cause any doubts, and the extra pounds develop a bunch of diseases.

Pasta products fill up quickly because flour products retain moisture in the body, which leads to easy weight gain.

It should be noted that there are practically no useful substances left in the wheat flour after its processing. In addition, the processing itself is carried out by applying various preservatives, stabilizers, enhancers - a complete set of the Mendeleev table.

Flour products also lead to depression. As the Roman philosopher Lucretius said, "what is food for one is poison for another."
