These 3 Garlic Recipes Will Get Rid Of Varicose Veins

These 3 Garlic Recipes Will Get Rid Of Varicose Veins
These 3 Garlic Recipes Will Get Rid Of Varicose Veins

Garlic is a natural product for eliminating varicose veins by stimulating and improving blood circulation and preventing inflammation of the veins. This product has many useful properties for the natural treatment of such irritating and unpleasant inflamed veins.

- Garlic contains allicin and azoen, which are sulfonic compounds and have the ability to improve blood circulation and thus prevent inflammation of blood vessels and blood clots;

- It has very strong anti-inflammatory properties, which are ideal for reducing swelling of the veins and reducing discomfort such as pain, cramps, tingling, heaviness, etc.;

- It contains quercetin - a flavonoid that helps strengthen veins and blood vessels, but in this way helps them not to suffer;

- Protects the aortic arteries and thus helps the blood that takes the heart; to be distributed correctly;

- Has decongestant properties, which also reduces the discomfort of varicose veins.

Therefore, it is recommended to include garlic in the daily ration to take advantage of all its properties and support the health of the whole organism. It also helps prevent cell aging, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, detoxifies the body and protects against common diseases such as colds.

Homemade remedy with olive oil and garlic

Garlic with lemons
Garlic with lemons

Photo: Stoyanka Rusenova

5 cloves garlic

3 tbsp. olive oil

1/2 tbsp. lemon juice

Crush the garlic and add it to a glass jar. Pour olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice, shake the contents vigorously to mix all ingredients. Leave the jar in a cool, dark place without moisture overnight. In the morning strain the mixture and use the liquid to remove varicose veins.

Apply a large amount of the mixture in the area of varicose veins, do a circular and gentle finger massage. Wait an hour until the skin completely absorbs the mixture. Wash the oiled area with plenty of cold or warm water. Repeat the treatment 3 times a week, preferably at bedtime.

Garlic with alcohol for the treatment of varicose veins

Alcohol with garlic
Alcohol with garlic

Photo: Stoyanka Rusenova

3 cloves garlic

1 cup ethyl alcohol

Cut the cloves in half and place them in a glass jar and pour the alcohol. Close the jar and leave overnight. The next evening, soak clean gauze in the mixture and apply directly to the affected area. Apply the treatment every night before bed to get fast results. Store the medicine in the refrigerator after use so that you can use it for several days.

Massage with garlic oil

Garlic oil
Garlic oil


Peel two cloves of garlic, add them to a metal bowl and add 8 tbsp. olive oil, cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. When the oil acquires a dark and transparent color, it means that it has absorbed all the garlic. Strain the garlic oil into a dark jar and leave in a dark and cool place for about 24 hours before using. Apply daily, making circular and up-and-down movements to stimulate blood flow. If the varicose veins are on the legs, massage from the ankles to the thighs.
