Kopalen - The Deadly Delicacy You Will Hardly Try

Kopalen - The Deadly Delicacy You Will Hardly Try
Kopalen - The Deadly Delicacy You Will Hardly Try

Only a few decades ago, it was unclear to us how the Japanese could eat raw fish. Probably to this day we also wonder how they can consume the poisonous fish Fugu. Here, however, we will introduce you to one quite a bit a strange delicacy, which does not come from Japan, but from the cold lands of Chukotka, which we associate mainly with the jokes about the Hammers.

This undoubtedly strange delicacy is called Kopalhen and in fact it is not entirely certain that it originated in Chukotka, because many peoples detached from civilization living in the Far North use it when they are left without a livelihood because of the cold. It is also popular among the Eskimos.

What exactly is Copalen, why is it considered deadly and why do we think you will hardly try it.

Kopalen is a meat delicacy, which, however, is prepared from dead animals. In Chukotka, as a rule, it is prepared by older deer or stags, which, after being caught, are purposefully kept hungry in order to cleanse their intestines. In addition to deer and stags, seals, walruses and even whales can be used for the same purpose. In different areas, peoples act differently, mostly depending on what they have managed to capture.

No matter what the animal is, it must be kept on an empty stomach for a few days, after which it is strangled in order to preserve the integrity of its skin. His body is then soaked for some time in water, usually in a swamp. Allow to drain, sprinkle with peat and bury in the ground so that it is not found and eaten by other animals.

This "ritual" is usually done in the summer, when there is something to catch, and the idea is for Kopalen himself to be ready by winter, when there is a serious shortage of any food. Above the hole in which the killed animal is buried, a rag with bright colors is placed, on which in winter people can find your buried food.

You have probably already answered the question why we think you will hardly try this delicacy. At least because it would be difficult to prepare. But in addition, its consumption can be deadly for you, because your stomach could not cope with its digestion.

Scholars explain the fact that the Hammers, like all other peoples specializing in the preparation of Kopalen, can consume it safely only because children have been fed such meat - instead of popara for example.

See more of the shocking foods around the world
