How To Preserve Vitamins In Cooking

How To Preserve Vitamins In Cooking
How To Preserve Vitamins In Cooking

When we process a product, some of its vitamins and nutrients simply disappear. Unfortunately, during cooking, most of the vitamins and trace elements are destroyed.

As you cook soup, cabbage loses half of its folic acid, beans and peas - about 40 percent of the calcium they contain, and carrots and spinach are separated by a third of the vitamin E they contain.

Cooking destroys 70 percent of the vitamin C present in vegetables. However, these losses can be reduced if certain recommendations are followed.

Vegetables should be completely covered with water. If the broth has boiled a lot, do not add cold water to the pot. Along with it, oxygen enters the broth, which destroys vitamin C.

For this reason, always keep the lid of the pot tightly closed. If you add frozen vegetables to the soup, do not thaw them before putting them in the pan.

The less time the vegetables are in the water, the more useful they will be. Therefore, put them in water when it boils, not when it is cold. Watch the vegetables so that they do not boil too much.

How to preserve vitamins in cooking
How to preserve vitamins in cooking

Do not put all products in the pot at the same time. The meat needs an hour to cook. If it is in the pot along with pieces of potatoes that are boiled after half an hour, they will lose the vitamins they contain.

Remember that despite the loss of vitamins, the benefits of cooked vegetables and fruits are great. They contain a lot of cellulose and pectin and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and also improve digestion.

Frying allows to preserve many more vitamins compared to cooking. When frying, the loss of B vitamins is about 30 percent, and when cooked - about 70 percent.

The healthiest is fast frying, in which the cut products stay in the pan for no more than five minutes. Deep frying is considered to be the most harmful. As they float in a huge amount of fat, the potatoes become too greasy.

Never reheat once used fat. It is believed that this can lead to incurable diseases. If you can't live without fries, use the fat only once.

Remember that carcinogens are afraid of pickles. Therefore, before frying the meat, soak it well in vinegar or wine. Season the meat with ginger or cumin - this will reduce the amount of carcinogens.
