The Culinary Tradition Of St. Ignatius

Video: The Culinary Tradition Of St. Ignatius

Video: The Culinary Tradition Of St. Ignatius
Video: The Life of St. Ignatius of Loyola (FULL Audiobook) 2024, October
The Culinary Tradition Of St. Ignatius
The Culinary Tradition Of St. Ignatius

Ignazhden we celebrate on December 20 - this is one of the most beloved and revered Bulgarian holidays. Back in time on this day, people celebrated the beginning of the new year.

Nowadays, St. Ignatius has a different meaning. On this holiday, in fact, the Orthodox Church honors St. Ignatius the Godbearer. On this day, everyone bearing the names Plamen, Plamena, Ognyan, Ognyana, Igo, Ignata, Ignat, Iskren, Iskra, Svetla has a name day.

There are several traditions that accompany the holiday, like most Bulgarian traditional holidays. One of the most interesting and important things has to do with what kind of person will cross your threshold. Depending on who will cross the threshold first, this will be the next year for the family living in the house.

The first guest is called student. If he is lucky, it means that the family will enjoy a very healthy, happy and full of luck and joy year.

Often this student is invited by the hosts themselves. Tradition dictates that when he enters, he should stir the pre-lit hearth and wish the family he is visiting to have as many children and cattle as there are sparks in the fire.

Ignazhden's table
Ignazhden's table

The next step of the student is to bless the home in which he is, and in turn his hosts thank him with fruit. The Christmas tree, which is set to burn on Christmas Eve, is cut down on St. Ignatius Day by the owner of the house.

The previous day before the holiday, only lean meals are served at the table. On himself Ignazhden fasting meals are also eaten - let's not forget that it is still fasting time.

Beliefs say that on this day you should not work, it is good to throw away the accumulated garbage to eliminate evil. It is not washed so that we do not get sick. In addition, we should not be angry so that the next year is peaceful, we should not lend money, and it is good for everyone to have some money in them - so that the next year is full.

You should not cook beans on St. Ignatius Day, because the belief is that it will hail. Pregnant and unborn women should not work to make their birth easier. If you conceive a child on St. Ignatius Day, folklore claims that you will be born with a disability.

According to the custom, the hosts should get up early in the morning and clean the chimneys of cobwebs and soot, and then throw them out.


In eastern Bulgaria on Ignazhden the table consists only of lean dishes. In fact, this is the day of the first Christmas dinner and it marks the beginning of the real Christmas holidays. According to tradition, you should not get up from the table during dinner, because the chickens will stop brooding.

The day of Ignazhden is associated with the winter solstice and the beginning of the new year.
