The Tradition Of Tea

The Tradition Of Tea
The Tradition Of Tea

The tradition of drinking tea came to various countries around the world from China, more precisely from Yunnan Province, from the city of Lijiang, which was located at the beginning of the Silk Road.

The tea route started from the central shopping square of the city, where the quality of tea was determined. There the caravans were formed, which went to different countries.

In ancient China, the tea ceremony began with a person having to be psychologically ready for it, to get rid of everything that irritates him.

Only when peace and quiet settled in his soul was he ready for the tea ritual. Initially, only aristocrats and the inhabitants of the imperial palaces drank tea.

Later, special tea pavilions began to be built for tea ceremonies - they were very beautiful, full of light and very light.


They were located in the middle of a picturesque landscape, near a spring. There were only chairs, tables and sofas in the pavilions. It was a place for reflection and rest.

The Chinese drink mostly green tea, not very strong, without milk and without sugar. Drink in small portions, adding boiling water to green tea.

Green tea is drunk mainly in summer, in winter you drink red tea, which has a strong extract, it is used for warming. The Chinese brew tea in cups with a volume of about two hundred and fifty milliliters.

They have a cap that is about a millimeter smaller than the hole. In such a cup pour four grams of tea and add boiling water to two thirds of the volume of the cup.

After two and a half minutes, the tea is poured into a drinking glass. The cap of the cup is not removed, and the tea is filtered through the slit, which is formed when the cup is bent.
