Bulgaria And Romania Will Build Common Markets

Bulgaria And Romania Will Build Common Markets
Bulgaria And Romania Will Build Common Markets

The Bulgarian Deputy Ministers of Agriculture Burhan Abazov and Yavor Gechev agreed in Ruse with the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania Daniel Botaniu for the construction of 2 Bulgarian-Romanian markets.

The exchanges will be located around the two bridges on the Danube, and their construction will be financed under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program.

"This is a chance for farmers from Bulgaria and Romania to sell their agricultural products directly and is an important step in supporting producers," said Deputy Minister Gechev.

He specified that the idea is in the initial stage and in the coming months there will be an active dialogue to clarify the details of the project.


During the meeting, the participants agreed to draft an agreement between the two ministries, which would regulate the areas of cooperation in agriculture.

During the negotiation, proposals related to the Common Agricultural Policy, food safety and veterinary requirements were discussed.

Thematic groups have been formed, which will hold regular meetings to exchange experiences and make decisions in support of farmers.

"As European regulations and directives are common, but each member state has the right to its national choice, the aim is to regularly share ideas and experiences so that each country can make the most appropriate decision and protect its national interest" - said Yavor Gechev.


Among the priorities of the Romanian country is a common position on the issue of exports of live pigs to countries of the European Union and third countries, trade in fruits and vegetables, as well as food control.

At the same time, the EU has banned Bulgaria from exporting live pigs until 2017 due to the classical swine fever disease, which is prevalent in some members of the European Union.

Exceptions are allowed only for the export of fresh pork, meat preparations and meat products produced from home farms under certain conditions.

The Association of Meat Processors in Bulgaria claims that in recent years the plague in the EU has been controlled to some extent. That is why they want an accurate picture of the epidemiological situation in each country.
