Delicious Ideas For A Yen Pot

Delicious Ideas For A Yen Pot
Delicious Ideas For A Yen Pot

If you are a fan of cooking in a yen pot, see our two suggestions for delicious and quick meals in this dish.

Our first offer are cutlets cooked in a yen pot.

Necessary products: 4 pork chops, 50 g butter, 250 g fresh mushrooms, 2 onions, vegetable broth, salt, pepper and cumin.

Preparation: Season the cutlets with salt, pepper and cumin. Fry them in preheated oil, and then fry the mushrooms and onions, but separately. Once you have fried everything, take the yen pot on the bottom and arrange the butter, mushrooms, onions and melted cheese. Arrange the chops in the second row.

Arrange the products on the third row as on the first row. Beforehand, try to divide the products evenly so that they are distributed on the first and third row.

Drizzle with the vegetable broth and let the dish bake at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes. Keep in mind that the cheese must be melted.

Here's another idea for fans of fast food. This is chicken fillet with mushrooms in a yen pot.

Necessary products: 800 g chicken fillet, 400 g mushrooms, 2 large onions, a cube of chicken broth, a small box of cream, salt and pepper.

Preparation: Cut the mushrooms and onions into larger pieces and fry until the onions become translucent. Pour half of the vegetables into the pan and place the chicken fillet. Put the rest of the vegetables on top.

Dissolve the chicken broth in 100 ml of warm water. Add the cream to the broth and stir. Pour the products into the pan and bake for about 30 minutes until the meat is cooked through.

This type of cooking is a great solution if you want to make a quick dinner.

Enjoy our suggestions for delicious dishes in a yen pot by serving with the right wine.
