About 1500 Kcal Are Contained In Burgers

About 1500 Kcal Are Contained In Burgers
About 1500 Kcal Are Contained In Burgers

It has long been known that most fast food chains offer delicious but extremely harmful food. And while we are all aware of the problems of obesity, high cholesterol and heart damage that come with regular consumption of such products, most fast food eateries are almost always full of people.

Recently, food experts from the UK came up with the opinion that chips and hamburgers should be banned by law because their regular consumption can cause blockage of blood vessels, stroke, atherosclerosis and more.

Experts from the United States have released statistics on the caloric content of a sandwich from the most popular fast food chains.

The shocking number of calories in a simple burger is close to 1500! One Bigmac contains about 700 calories.

If these numbers don't tell you anything, in the first case 1500 is the daily caloric intake for a fine lady, and if you are used to eating from McDonald's, you should not eat more than 2 sandwiches a day and nothing else.

Fast Food
Fast Food

A separate issue is that if you eat only fast food, you will soon get sick and this is almost 100% guaranteed. There are almost no useful substances in these foods.

However, some chains sometimes offer fresh salads. If you combine a salad with one or two chicken legs, you will choose the least evil.

To burn calories from a high-energy burger of "empty calories", you need to sweat in the gym for 3 hours, swim for about 2 hours, walk for about 4 hours or train tae-bo for 2 hours.

However, not all fast food chains offer this unhealthy food. Especially in our country there are many snack bars that give a wide choice between cooked dishes and those that we are used to eating from an early age.

Sandwiches in some fast food restaurants that are not made with fried meat contain about 300-350 calories.
