Chicken Legs Are To Blame For Aggression In Children

Chicken Legs Are To Blame For Aggression In Children
Chicken Legs Are To Blame For Aggression In Children

Consumption of boneless chicken can make children more aggressive than eating boneless meat, according to a new study published in the British newspaper Mirror.

The study was conducted with the help of 12 children who were aged between 6 and 10 years. Nutritionists wanted to understand how food affects behavior. The results of the study confirmed the theory of specialists about aggression.

Scientists suggest that large pieces of food, such as chicken legs, be replaced with smaller pieces of food and that we serve chicken fillet to our children instead of a leg or a wing.

According to experts, parents should be careful what they serve their kids. Nutritionists explain the results by the fact that eating food increases the level of activity, disobedience and aggression.

Researchers even recommend that parents do not serve chicken wings or legs to their children for dinner.

According to clinical psychologist Brian Russell, this discovery by nutritionists is completely absurd. He claims that people have been consuming chicken legs and wings for centuries and this could not be a reason for children to become more aggressive.

The roots of aggression are deep in a person's psyche. Such behavior is destructive, whether it is directed outward to others or inwardly to the subject. The causes of aggressive behavior are usually complex and when considering such a problem, they should be considered as a whole.


First of all, it is important to pay attention to the genetic code of the child, to study and in what environment the child lives. It is also important how he was brought up before the school period.

It is no less important to consider school education - teachers take on the already built to some extent as characters children and set higher parameters and criteria.

One of the factors being studied is society. For peace of mind, the child, society, family and school must act in sync, as a whole. Otherwise, the results would be unsustainable.
