Alcohol And Caffeine Are Enemies Of Vitamins

Alcohol And Caffeine Are Enemies Of Vitamins
Alcohol And Caffeine Are Enemies Of Vitamins

Alcohol and caffeine are enemies of vitamins in our body. Caffeine is the antivitamin that people most often abuse.

It interferes with the absorption of vitamins B and C. Therefore, it is best to drink coffee or tea an hour and a half after eating.

Vitamin A is very difficult to absorb if you overdo it with margarine and cooking fats. Therefore, when preparing liver, fish and eggs rich in this vitamin, you should use very little other fat.

Aspirin washes away potassium, calcium and vitamins C and B, while antibiotics destroy B vitamins. Alcohol is mainly to blame for the destruction of vitamins B, C and K. A cigarette removes the daily dose of vitamin C from the body. tread on it, it's no use if you don't quit smoking.

Medicines are also a kind of antivitamin. Many modern drugs destroy vitamins or interfere with their absorption. For example, aspirin.

B vitamins are also destroyed after taking antibiotics, which destroy the beneficial microflora in the intestines and thus cause fungal diseases, such as thrush.

Alcohol and caffeine are enemies of vitamins
Alcohol and caffeine are enemies of vitamins

But all B vitamins are partly formed by intestinal bacteria, so it is enough to drink more yogurt to normalize the intestinal microflora.

By the way, some properties of antivitamins can be beneficial to health. For example, vitamin K helps increase blood clotting. Its antipode dicoumarin lowers blood density, and this is necessary in many diseases.

Coffee lovers, on the other hand, need to emphasize cottage cheese to make up for calcium losses. And supporters of raw products - they should eat more whole grain bread and fatty butter, which are rich in B vitamins.
