Caffeine And Alcohol Is A Toxic Combination

Caffeine And Alcohol Is A Toxic Combination
Caffeine And Alcohol Is A Toxic Combination

If you have ever been a passionate fan of tonic drinks containing caffeine in combination with an alcoholic beverage, you better forget about this combination. Caffeine combined with alcohol is a toxic mixture that can harm the body.

In the United States, legislation is working hard to ban beverages that combine the two components and that are currently literally flooding the market.

The US Food and Drug Administration is on the verge of banning caffeine in alcoholic beverages. There is a whole campaign to ban "energy bombs".

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is on the verge of declaring that "caffeine is an unhealthy additive to alcoholic beverages."

The decision will put an end to the sale in the United States of beverages such as Four Loko, which combine alcohol, caffeine, the stimulant guarana and taurine.

According to Senator Charles Schumer of New York, caffeine + alcohol is a "dangerous and toxic beverage." Even more worrying is that the drinks are aimed primarily at young people, said the senator, leader of a campaign in New York to ban this type of drink.


Again, he said, they pose a serious risk to health and safety. A can of such a drink contains as much caffeine as two or three cups of coffee and alcohol, equal in content to 2-3 cans of beer.

The campaign erupted spontaneously after an incident last month when 9 students fainted and were admitted to hospital after using Four Loko, so named because of its four ingredients.

Several states and universities in the United States have issued warnings about such drinks, a mix of alcohol and caffeine. In New York, U. S. liquor stores have stopped selling energy-alcohol mixes. They are officially banned in Michigan, Oklahoma, Utah and Washington and in many colleges.
