Vegetable Oil Increases The Risk Of Dementia

Vegetable Oil Increases The Risk Of Dementia
Vegetable Oil Increases The Risk Of Dementia

A diet rich in vegetable oils dramatically increases the risk of dementia. A new study shows that frequent consumption of plant-based oils causes plaque to build up in the brain, which is one of the first symptoms of serious neurodegenerative diseases.

The data comes amid recent calls by many scientists to reduce the intake of saturated fats such as butter and cream so that people can protect themselves from cardiovascular disease while emphasizing vegetable fats. This is not the opinion of scientists from the Bavarian University in Munich, who believe that this is a serious mistake.

In the 1950s, we were told to stop eating saturated fats and start cooking and consuming products such as oil. That's when the rise of this fat began, provided that it was never particularly desirable, nor were there any factors for its promotion, explains the study's lead professor, Catherine Kahan.

The only prerequisite for people to continue to prefer vegetable fats is their price. Compared to animals, those made from plants are many times cheaper.

Vegetable oils are produced from a variety of sources - from canola, coconut, corn, soy, sunflower, saffron, cotton, rice bran and grapes. According to German scientists, excessive intake of such oils has an extremely harmful effect on our bodies.

In the first place, they make people feel dizzy, tired, cause migraines and even according to some data may be one of the causes of Alzheimer's and dementia.


Vegetable oil has been found to cause oxidative stress, which is detrimental to brain membranes. It is a major cause of plaque, which interferes with brain activity.

The results of the study have been submitted to the European Food Safety Authority, where the adoption of measures to limit the consumption of vegetable oils among Europeans is being considered. The news comes just months after the vegetable oil used to make Nutella chocolates was identified as toxic and carcinogenic.
