Beer For Kidney Stones?

Beer For Kidney Stones?
Beer For Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones can be found accidentally when they do not cause any complaints on an X-ray of the abdominal area or on ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. In the majority of cases, however, the disease is detected due to characteristic complaints from the patient.

People with a family history of kidney stones are at a much higher risk of developing kidney stones and developing complaints. It is recommended for them to have regular preventive examinations.

The most important precaution that can be taken against the appearance of kidney stones is the intake of plenty of fluids (over 2.5 l / 24 hours), and the amount is significantly more important than the composition of the water. This factor puts beer at the forefront as a means of protection and treatment, as most of the composition is water. However, before the introduction of a certain regime, it is mandatory to consult a doctor.

Recipe with beer for kidney stones

Necessary products: 2 beers, basil (dry or green), about a handful.

Method of preparation:

Kidney pain
Kidney pain

Basil is added to beer. Place on the hob. Bring to the boil until half of the beer has evaporated. The resulting mixture is drunk for a day - half in the morning and the next evening. There is a 24 hour rest and the procedure is repeated again.

In general, beer can help prevent calcium deposits, which are the ones that form kidney stones. If it's too late for precaution and you already have such stones, beer comes to the rescue again.

One of the most common medications prescribed for such problems is cranberries. However, it is a little known fact that beer has exactly the same properties - it widens the tubes so that the stone comes out of the body as painlessly as possible.

Of course, you should be aware that excessive use of beer is also not in your favor. It can even lead to the exact opposite of the desired results - weight gain and lack of activity will make you more susceptible to stone formation.

When you feel even the slightest indication of kidney disease, do not hesitate to seek medical help, as well as alternative treatments to avoid a more serious problem.
