Drink Orange Juice Instead Of Coffee In The Morning

Drink Orange Juice Instead Of Coffee In The Morning
Drink Orange Juice Instead Of Coffee In The Morning

According to most people, coffee is the most suitable way to increase concentration. However, a new study claims that the best drink for this purpose is orange juice.

Scientists advise that when you feel sleepy and not concentrated enough, bet on a glass of freshly squeezed Orange juice. Experiments have shown that people who drink orange juice for breakfast stay awake and concentrated for longer than those who rely on coffee.

The results are quite interesting, especially considering the functions of caffeine. It is an energy stimulant with a powerful invigorating effect, which simultaneously stimulates intellectual abilities, sensory sensitivity and mood.

However, the flavonoids in citrus juices are much more powerful. They improve blood flow to the brain in a natural way, thus facilitating the passage of information between brain cells.

In addition to cheering you up, a glass of orange juice will bring you many benefits and healthy nutrients. A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast brings the body all the vitamin C needed for the day. It also contains potassium, folic acid, phytonutrients, thiamine and others.

Coffee with orange juice
Coffee with orange juice

All of them help reduce high blood pressure, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, help release energy from carbohydrates, regulate appetite, maintain muscle function and the nervous system. It is believed that the natural antioxidants in the composition of orange juice reduce the risk of developing cancer by preventing oxidation and cell damage.

If you want to replace coffee with a healthier source of energy, then save orange juice there are a few more drinks and foods that will benefit you. Bet on avocados and whole grains, because eating them nourishes brain cells and keeps them concentrated.

Another healthy option is fish, whose omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have a positive effect on the brain and cognitive functions. If you are a fan of berries, blueberries are an option for you. They have been found to improve cognitive and motor skills.
