Caffeine Headaches: How Caffeine Causes And Cures Headaches

Caffeine Headaches: How Caffeine Causes And Cures Headaches
Caffeine Headaches: How Caffeine Causes And Cures Headaches

Caffeine headaches are headaches caused by caffeine consumption. These headaches are usually felt behind the eyes and can range from mild to debilitating. Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee, tea and chocolate and is added to many carbonated beverages.

Learn how these headaches occur and how caffeine can be the cause or cure for them.

Caffeine can relieve headaches

Although too much caffeine can cause headaches, the most common cause of caffeine headaches is the lack of caffeine.

Caffeine headaches
Caffeine headaches

Caffeine withdrawal occurs when you have developed a caffeine addiction and suddenly reduce or eliminate its consumption. Caffeine addiction is not necessarily the result of long-term or high caffeine consumption. It can develop in just a few days of drinking latte or other caffeinated beverages.

However, most headaches in its absence are the result of consuming 500 milligrams of caffeine a day for two weeks or more before reducing or eliminating it in the diet.

When your body becomes accustomed to a certain level of caffeine, you may notice that you experience fatigue and other side effects (such as headaches) until you reach your typical level of consumption. The side effects of its absence are reversible. Just consume your usual level of caffeineto get rid of them.

Consumption of caffeine as a cure for headaches from its lack can be a problem for people who are trying to reduce or eliminate it from their diets. Alternative treatments include sleep, massage, acupuncture, decaffeinated medications (some headache relievers contain caffeine), and drinking plenty of water. To avoid this type of headache, it is best to gradually reduce its consumption.

Caffeine as a headache remedy


In addition to fast treatment of caffeine headacheCaffeine can help cure regular headaches and even migraines.

Some studies have shown that small doses of caffeine taken with painkillers can help the body absorb the drug faster and to cure a headache for a shorter period of time. Although most painkillers work within 15 minutes, every minute can be important when you suffer from a particularly bad headache.

In addition, 130 milligrams of caffeine taken with painkillers has been shown to improve headache relief by approximately 40 percent - a significant difference in results. Some people find that it is not necessary to take as much of a painkiller when taken with caffeine, and some doctors advocate taking caffeinated drugs to reduce the likelihood of developing an addiction to a painkiller.

Increasing the speed and effectiveness of painkillers are the reasons why some over-the-counter pain medications contain caffeine. However, it is not clear whether caffeine, taken without a painkiller, is an effective remedy against this unpleasant problem.
