Basic Tips For Christmas Fasting

Basic Tips For Christmas Fasting
Basic Tips For Christmas Fasting

People who have decided to fast for Christmas this year should be very careful about getting certain nutrients that are forbidden during the 40-day fast.

Many experts say that adhering to Christmas fasting has an undeniably beneficial effect on the body, as long as we get the substances found in foods that should not be consumed during fasting.

Until the end of Christmas fast remain a long time, and expert studies show that adherence to this diet has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, which is why fasting is recommended for people with high cholesterol.

The main risks that the consumption of a monotonous food hides are a lack of complete proteins, deficiency of iron, calcium and B vitamins.

Christmas fast
Christmas fast

The first signal that fasting does not have a good effect on our body is the lack of tone. This is mainly due to the lack of meat in our menu.

To prevent the negative result, you should consume more fruits, vegetables, beans, soy and bread than we normally eat.

The human body best absorbs zinc from meat products. However, there are enough foods on the market enriched with zinc, which can be excellent substitutes for meat - nuts, beans and soy and tofu cheese.

Important omega-3 fatty acids are obtained from soy products.


Poor consumption of products containing calcium, iron, protein, zinc, vitamins D and B12 can also have a very negative effect on the body.

Therefore, during the Christmas fast you must eat dried fruits, broccoli, whole grains.


Animal products that we should not eat during the 40-day fast, are rich in vitamin B12 and, accordingly, the lack of these products in the menu leads to a lack of vitamin.

However, experts say that each person's liver contains enough reserves of vitamin B12 to be sufficient for about 5-6 years, even with limited consumption of animal products.
