A Few Ideas On How And With What To Replace Bread Products

A Few Ideas On How And With What To Replace Bread Products
A Few Ideas On How And With What To Replace Bread Products

Excluding bread from the diet during some diets is an important and even mandatory condition. Not only has it been proven that a bread-free diet leads to weight loss, it also has a healing effect on people with gluten intolerance, for example.

But with what to replace bread products? Here are our suggestions.

rice flour

It is one of the most affordable, easy to find and cheap enough wheat flour substitutes. You can also prepare it at home if you grind rice grains in the food processor. From rice flour you can easily prepare delicious pancakes, breads, pizza, healthy pastries or thicken a dish. Interestingly, in the retail network (especially in health food stores) can be found even rice flour pie crusts.


Oatmeal replaces flour
Oatmeal replaces flour

This food product has a multilayered application. It is used to make incredibly delicious oatmeal cakes, cakes, muffins and much more, and if you do not have time to prepare these delicacies - you can just soak the nuts in warm water and then eat them as a quick and healthy breakfast. They don't have to be sweetened - you can salt them and add a little olive oil. The result will surprise you.

Corn flour

Corn flour replaces bread products
Corn flour replaces bread products

In Bulgarian cuisine it is often used as an addition to traditional ones bakery products and for breading, but can also serve as a main component. Incredible corn cakes, prosecco, pastries, pancakes are prepared from it. The aroma of the cooked food will captivate you and even if you do not follow a diet without traditional pasta, you will continue to look for corn temptations.


Cauliflower couscous is an alternative to bakery foods
Cauliflower couscous is an alternative to bakery foods

You read quite correctly - namely cauliflower. It never occurred to many of you that he could to replace bread. But it is a fact. You can make a very tasty, crunchy cauliflower pizza loaf. Aromatic bread with a wonderful crust, cake or couscous - you can really make them from this vegetable, which we are used to seeing more as a component of pickles. However, you need to have a food processor or blender to grind the cauliflower into very fine pieces, from which you will prepare your recipe.

Coconut flour

If you are a fan of sweet pasta, coconut flour can pleasantly surprise you. With it you can prepare countless homemade cakes, which will smell incredibly delicious on coconut.

Buckwheat flour

A few ideas on how and with what to replace bread products
A few ideas on how and with what to replace bread products

Food is not simple a healthy substitute for bakery products, but also extremely useful food. Grinded into flour, it allows the preparation of many products that can replace traditional bread, cakes, pasta, cakes, pastries, biscuits. However, the taste of buckwheat is a bit specific and to make sure you like it, start with something smaller and simpler to make.
