Do You Often Suffer From Constipation? The Solution Is Here

Do You Often Suffer From Constipation? The Solution Is Here
Do You Often Suffer From Constipation? The Solution Is Here

Constipation is a common problem in many people. Sometimes we rely on him to go it alone, and sometimes we turn to funds from the pharmacy.

When the problem is not too serious, we usually treat it at home and preferably in milder ways.

These few tips will help you get rid of constipation not just now, but in the long run.

Green tea

This pleasant drink is also very useful. In addition to its overall health qualities, green tea stimulates the digestive process and clears the colon. Its action is not too strong and can be used daily. This is even recommended as it will balance the digestive system and so will prevent constipation in the future. And a bonus to this is that tea has a detoxifying effect.

Baked apples

Baked apples against constipation
Baked apples against constipation

Apples are rich in fiber, and fiber improves the intestinal flora. In general, a high-fiber diet is a safe remedy against constipation or other intestinal disorders. In addition, the apple contains pectin, which is another substance that helps the proper functioning of the intestines.


Both the apple and the banana contain fiber, even more. Just one slice of banana contains about 12% of the required daily fiber intake. This makes them an effective natural laxative. They also contain fructooligosaccharides, which work well on digestive processes.


Oatmeal prevents constipation
Oatmeal prevents constipation

As already mentioned, fiber is extremely important and useful for the intestinal flora. Oatmeal contains fiber, as well as vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. This combination improves the absorption of substances and prevent constipation for a long time. The best way to include oatmeal in our menu is to eat them soaked for breakfast, but they can also be added to smoothies, fruit yogurt or any other food.

Hot water

For complete improvement of the digestive system and prevention of intestinal problems such as constipation drink a glass of warm water in the morning. By "morning" is meant when you get up, about 15 minutes before eating. However, it is not recommended that the water be too warm, but slightly warmer than room temperature.

Olive oil with lemon

Olive oil with lemon against constipation
Olive oil with lemon against constipation

This is a slightly more unpleasant tool, but quite effective. In a glass of hot water add the juice of one lemon and one tablespoon of olive oil. The decoction is drunk daily in the morning on an empty stomach. It is a natural laxative that is not too strong. In addition, this decoction is suitable as a method of cleansing the body of toxins.
