Diet For Hypertension

Diet For Hypertension
Diet For Hypertension

Those killer. Thus, doctors have called a fairly common and seemingly harmless disease - hypertension, or high blood pressure. And there is a reason. There are almost no obvious symptoms and it goes unnoticed until one person visits a doctor and he diagnoses cardiovascular problems. Then hundreds of thoughts begin to creep into his head - how, where, why… And the answers are obvious.

In general, the increase in pressure is a normal and natural phenomenon when a person gets into a stressful situation, performs heavy physical exercises, worries about personal problems.

When he is calm or asleep - it decreases. However, there are various factors - genetic or physiological - that increase the risk of developing hypertension. Most often it is heredity and obesity. It is not clear which is more dangerous.

In fact, it is bad when a person is prone to the disease and is overweight. In this way, the body is loaded, hence it affects the heart and follows the malfunction of the cardiovascular system, increased vascular tone, the appearance of high cholesterol, obstruction of blood flow, and even ischemia. The list of problems associated with being overweight is almost endless.

Studies conducted in August 2011 show that medicines for high blood pressure have a number of side effects and their effect is not immediate and you often have to wait until your blood pressure returns to normal.

With food being different, its key role is to ensure the intake of those substances that will help it function properly, including reducing pressure if necessary.

In recent years, many scientists have developed a special menu for patients with hypertension. And many say that any single product is unlikely to solve their problem of high blood pressure, but their proper combination completely regulates the problem.

The best known and effective combination of pressure relief products is the basis of the diet called "DASH", or dietary approaches to stop hypertension - a nutritional approach to the treatment of hypertension.

The main purpose of this diet is to exclude the consumption of foods high in fat and cholesterol. In addition, adhering to this, you should completely give up too salty foods and semi-finished products.

Add to the diet an abundance of vitamins, magnesium and potassium that are available in raisins, sunflowers, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, nuts - they are a great source of potassium. Magnesium is found in broccoli, spinach, oysters, cereals and legumes. Vitamins are obtained from fruits and vegetables.

In developing the "DASH" diet, nutritionists have identified a number of products, the effect of which is used to control hypertension and they effectively regulate blood pressure. They are:

Garlic - It is a godsend for patients. Lowers blood cholesterol levels, which provokes an increase in blood pressure;

Beets - In 2008, a medical journal published the results of sensational research that proved that just 2 glasses of beet juice can lower blood pressure by almost 10 points. And its action lasts up to 24 hours. Beetroot has a substance that increases the level of nitric oxide in the body, which in turn removes the tension of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure;

Fish - Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which fish contains, among other useful substances play an important role in normalizing blood pressure. The main emphasis should be on mackerel or salmon, which can be grilled, grilled or steamed;

Celery - It helps to deal with high blood pressure and obesity. And all this because celery contains a special ingredient - 3-N-butyl-phthalide. It lowers blood pressure and normalizes blood flow;

Skim milk - It is a source of calcium and vitamin D. Recent research by researchers at the University of Michigan has shown that people with calcium deficiency are more likely to develop hypertension than others.
