Surprising Applications Of Baking Soda

Surprising Applications Of Baking Soda
Surprising Applications Of Baking Soda

Baking soda or more commonly known baking soda has many different properties, both inside and outside of cooking. It can even help with various health ailments, of course in the amounts indicated and in the manner mentioned.

The properties are also known in cooking, so we will not dwell on them much - it is used mainly as a leavening agent, but it seems that its other useful applications are not well known. What is known to prevent is stomach acid, and of course, it does not solve the problem, but stops the symptom. In other words, if you want a more lasting solution to stomach discomfort, you should see a doctor.

Soda can also work if you want to whiten your laundry. All you have to do is add a spoonful of baking soda to your clothes and after washing, you will notice that they have become much fresher. If you have allergies to detergents, put the clothes (after they have already been washed) in a basin with baking soda and water, leave them to stand and then rinse thoroughly.

Some people also use soda to freshen their flowers - they mix rosehip or two soda together with the water with which they water their flowers. It is said that this will prolong the life of the plant.

Washing dishes with soda
Washing dishes with soda

In cooking, soda is used as a leavening agent, as it has already become clear, but in the kitchen it works wonders by removing various stains. You can use baking soda to clean coffee stains, to give shine to silverware and jewelry, clean the hob around the stove hob perfectly, but keep in mind that these are abrasive particles and will scratch the surface.

Baking soda can even help you pound steaks - just sprinkle soda on a piece of meat and leave it in the freezer, then just before cooking, remove the steak, wash it thoroughly with water and just start cooking it.

It is suitable to cleanse the body of toxins - you need to put 2-3 tablespoons in the bath before entering it. It also improves hair - use a spoonful of baking soda with your shampoo - apply them together on the hair, then wash as usual - this will remove all the products you have used and will wash your hair.

The disinfectant property of soda is also often used. Put 10 tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl, add water and stir to dissolve - in this mixture you can put brushes and combs for hair, blush brushes. Remove and rinse the next day.

Bath with soda
Bath with soda

It can also help relieve muscle pain if you have muscle fever, as well as quitting smoking.

Along with all the properties it has, soda should not be used internally for people who suffer from high blood pressure, kidney problems or fluid retention. Also not to be used by children under 5 years of age, as well as by pregnant and lactating women.

Soda is a great property for soothing the skin - it can also help with mosquito bites - make a paste of soda and water and smear the area. You can also use it for burns, but only in mild cases - if you have spilled oil while frying or you have touched a hot dish. You need to sprinkle the place and wait for the heat from the backpack to disappear.

It manages to eliminate unpleasant odors - not very well known, but really effective. Put a spoonful of soda in the cap of a compote jar and put it in the refrigerator - all odors will disappear.
