Low Calorie Foods Lead To Overeating And Obesity

Low Calorie Foods Lead To Overeating And Obesity
Low Calorie Foods Lead To Overeating And Obesity

According to recent research by nutritionists and nutritionists, eating low-calorie foods can cause obesity. The reason for this is initially simple - foods low in calories do not saturate quickly and predispose the body to overeating.

Expert advice is to eat more often and enough so that you do not feel hungry. Nowadays, many of us are increasingly trying to control our diet and succumb to large-scale advertising of low-calorie foods that claim to be dietary.

However, all this is in most cases a huge advertising cloud that aims to create a craze for low-calorie foods in fashion, and hence in industry. The bad news is that this has become a fact. In response to this trend, many food and beverage companies are increasing their range of low-calorie goods.

Researchers believe that the increasing use of such food dramatically reduces the body's ability to self-regulate the daily norm of energy. The end result - a person loses the feeling of satiety and to restore the body's lack of fats and carbohydrates begins to eat more and more, as a result of which gradually loses a sense of proportion.

Such low-calorie foods can be especially dangerous for children and adolescents. Nutritionists explicitly emphasize that while growing, the body must be accustomed to a balanced diet. Although there is some disagreement, scientists agree that children should get used to a balanced diet, rather than the use of low-calorie foods.

Low calorie foods lead to overeating and obesity
Low calorie foods lead to overeating and obesity

The main recommendation of nutritionists is to reasonably plan the daily menu and it should include the necessary amounts of fats and carbohydrates. They recall that when a person eats 5 times a day, insulin production is reduced, and the less of this substance in the body, the less fat accumulates in the body.
