And Low-alcohol Beverages Lead To Alcoholism

And Low-alcohol Beverages Lead To Alcoholism
And Low-alcohol Beverages Lead To Alcoholism

Recently, low-alcohol beverages have become increasingly popular among adolescents. Their consumption is considered more harmless than the consumption of hard alcohol.

However, scientists have shattered this myth. Low-alcohol beverages also have the potential to turn consumers into alcoholics. This is especially true for the fairer sex, BGNES reports.

That's why you need to be more careful with regular consumption of beer, wine, champagne, cocktails and other low-alcohol beverages, as they also run the risk of addiction. Sweet "women's" drinks can also make you addicted.

Energy drinks are also on this list. Regular consumption of such liquids can cause alcoholism and irresistible cravings for alcohol.

However, it turns out that young people are still clearly unaware of the dangerous consequences for their health. For now, the intentions of large health organizations to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages among adolescents remain unsuccessful.

And low-alcohol beverages lead to alcoholism
And low-alcohol beverages lead to alcoholism

Summary data show that almost 50 percent of all alcoholic beverages are purchased by young boys and girls.

The effects of alcohol dependence are not to be overlooked. Excessive drinking can lead to systemic infusions, the results of which are disorders of consciousness, liver disease, including cirrhosis, pancreatitis, heart failure, impotence in men and reduced fertility in women, dementia.

For nearly a quarter of a century, alcoholism has been declared a disease by the American Medical Association. The way out of it is fatal if timely measures are not taken.
