Health Benefits Of The Herb Periwinkle

Health Benefits Of The Herb Periwinkle
Health Benefits Of The Herb Periwinkle

Scrophularia nodosa is a plant in the Scrophularia nodosa family. It is also known as the plant and the plant of heather, whence its botanical name.

In the past, the plant was used to treat purulent wounds, abscesses, and scrofula, also known as cuttings. This disease is a type of tuberculosis of the lymph glands of the neck. With it, they swell enormously and sit like hard, protruding lumps under the skin.

According to the teaching that the appearance of the plant predicts what diseases it fights, the plant was called a plantain and used to treat this disease.

In 1653, the woodpecker was called throatwort (valuable for the throat) precisely because of its healing properties. In addition, freckles, freckles and redness on the face were treated with rye. It fought swelling and tumors.

Today its application is the same. The parts used are the roots, the aboveground parts and the flowers of the plant. Its main action is anti-arthritic, mainly due to the iridoids contained in it.

The main health benefits of the plantain are mainly anti-inflammatory, diuretic, circulatory and heart stimulating properties. The herb is also used as a laxative. Internally, the plantain is mainly used as a detoxifier.

Its intake helps to expel worms from the body. Applied externally, cuticle is recommended for wounds, burns, ulcers, hemorrhoids, eczema and psoriasis - for fast healing.

The plant owes all its benefits to the key components in its composition. It contains valuable ingredients such as saponins, phenolic acids, alkaloids, cardioactive glycosides, flavonoids and others.

Nowadays, the plantain is actively used in both folk and traditional medicine. It stimulates the appetite and counteracts the goiter. It is often used against rabies, cancer and hemorrhoids. The herb is a strong cardiac simulant and enhances heart activity and increases diuresis.

The strong cardiotonic action of the herb does not allow its use by people with heart disease or irregular heartbeat.
