What To Serve With Cocktails

What To Serve With Cocktails
What To Serve With Cocktails

When having a cocktail party, it is important what you will serve to your guests together with the exquisite cocktails prepared by yourself. Canape sandwiches are very suitable for this purpose.

To prepare them, you will need slices of sliced toast, on which you have previously removed the crust. Lightly bake the slices in the oven, before spraying them with a few drops of oil.

Then grease them with butter, put sliced egg and decorate with caviar. Serve these sandwiches with lemon so that guests can sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice on them.

Sandwiches with yellow cheese, cheese and tomatoes are very easy to prepare - lightly baked in the oven and sprinkled with a few drops of oil or olive oil bread smeared with butter.

What to serve with cocktails
What to serve with cocktails

A piece of thinly sliced yellow cheese is placed on it. Mix butter with tomato puree or ketchup and spread the mixture on the yellow cheese. Sprinkle with grated yellow cheese.

Tomato sandwiches are suitable for vegetarian lovers. Arrange in a pan pre-cut halves of cherry tomatoes.

Sprinkle with a little olive oil and bake lightly. Place two halves of the cherry tomatoes on the pre-baked bread and garnish with parsley.

You can make suitable sandwiches yourself, using seafood, meat, fish, cheese and various vegetables.

It will be sophisticated if you serve sushi to your guests at the cocktail party. Cocktails are also served with fruit salads. They are decorated with yogurt and whipped cream.

For a cocktail party are suitable cocktails with martinis, gin, whiskey, vodka. The use of cocktails with milk liqueurs, milk and cream is not recommended.
