We Have Loved Drinking Alcohol For 10 Million Years

We Have Loved Drinking Alcohol For 10 Million Years
We Have Loved Drinking Alcohol For 10 Million Years

American scientists believe that the distant ancestors of humans may have assimilated alcohol 10 million years ago, the Daily Mail writes on its pages. The scientists came to this conclusion after making a genetic analysis.

The team is led by Professor Matthew Carrigan, who works at the Santa Fe Institute in Florida. Scientists have found the ADH4 gene in our distant genealogy - it serves to break down ethyl alcohol, the results of the analysis show.

Experts claim that the ADH4 gene originated ten million years ago - primates came down from trees and began to eat fruits that fell to the ground and fermented.

According to scientists, the fact that they could process alcohol gave them an evolutionary advantage. Experts explain that this gene is still unique to apes that live on earth, such as gorillas and chimpanzees. It is not found in monkeys that live in trees, such as orangutans.

Until recently, experts were fully convinced that man learned to break down alcohol much later than current research shows - about nine thousand years ago. During this period, the first targeted alcoholic fermentation was obtained, the scientists specify.

Drinking Alcohol
Drinking Alcohol

Thanks to Professor Carrigan's team, it is clear that this happened at a much earlier stage, when the body of our hominid ancestors began to process fermented fruits and natural alcohol.

For their study, the team studied the ADH4 genes of 28 mammals - experts explain that there were 17 primates among them.

According to scientists, the ability of prehistoric humans to break down alcohol has helped them in times when finding food was difficult and had to consume rotten fruit.

Researchers are adamant that the health problems caused by alcohol today are related to the underdeveloped ability of the human digestive system to process ethanol efficiently.
