Cheaper Serbian Eggs Are Trying To Invade The Market

Cheaper Serbian Eggs Are Trying To Invade The Market
Cheaper Serbian Eggs Are Trying To Invade The Market

With the record jump in egg prices in our country, followed by an alternative import of cheaper chicken products from Poland. The heated situation reached extreme excesses after an attempt to import cheap eggs from neighboring Serbia was thwarted in Vraska Chuka.

As a result, the Regional Directorate for Food Safety in Vidin has strengthened border control at both checkpoints with our western neighbor. At the Bregovo border checkpoint, the veterinary control is on duty 12 hours a day.

Cheaper Serbian eggs are trying to invade the market
Cheaper Serbian eggs are trying to invade the market

At night, a mobile control group responds to a call, which also serves the border checkpoint Vrashka Chuka, BNR reported. The detained Serbian eggs of Vraska Chuka will be sent to a slaughterhouse.

It also became clear that episodic attempts to import small quantities of meat products have been registered at the Bregovo border checkpoint, said the director of the Regional Directorate for Food Safety, Dr. Boyan Tsolov.

Meanwhile, the Branch Union of Egg Producers at ADPA assured that there will be strict control and it will be conscientiously monitored whether the eggs that are expected to enter from Poland are from legal farms that meet the requirements for bird welfare.

This is the position of the Branch Union on the idea of importing eggs from Poland to regulate the prices of this product on the market.
