There Are No Eggs On The Market In 6 Brands Of Mayonnaise

There Are No Eggs On The Market In 6 Brands Of Mayonnaise
There Are No Eggs On The Market In 6 Brands Of Mayonnaise

A study by the association Active Consumers showed that of the 16 brands surveyed mayonnaise 6 on the market are not prepared with eggs, and in 9 of the brands the water content exceeds 50 percent of the total quantity of the product.

Eggless Roast mayonnaise, Resto mayonnaise, Rubikon mayonnaise, Atlantic Co mayonnaise, Homemade table mayonnaise and Vegetarian table mayonnaise are prepared without eggs.

It is explained on the packaging of these brands that the eggs are absent in the contents and have been replaced by starch.

Water content over 50% was reported for the brands Vegetarian table mayonnaise, Homemade table mayonnaise, Selce mayonnaise, Atlantic Co mayonnaise, Aro mayonnaise, Rubikon mayonnaise, Resto mayonnaise, Clever mayonnaise and Petel light mayonnaise.

The high water content causes the mayonnaise to spoil faster.

Many brands have registered increased amounts of carbohydrates, preservatives, dyes and components such as guar gum and xanthan gum.


The rubber in question is used as a stabilizer, which mixes water, vegetable fat and starch perfectly, so that the product resembles mayonnaise, explained Dr. Sergei Ivanov to Nova TV.

Rubber is much cheaper than eggs and for this reason some producers prefer to replace them.

The expert added that it is unacceptable for children's mayonnaise to have a higher percentage of carbohydrates and a negligible nutritional value.

Bogomil Nikolov from Active Consumers told btv that there is no standard for mayonnaises sold in our country. The association insists that sauces that do not contain oil and eggs should not be called mayonnaise.

Vegetable fat and eggs are the main ingredients of mayonnaise and goods that do not contain these components should not be called mayonnaise.
