Strawberry Diet

Strawberry Diet
Strawberry Diet

Strawberry season is reminiscent of the opportunity to get fat with the help of these wonderful delicious fruits. In four days you will lose two to three kilograms of your weight.

On the first day of the breakfast diet, eat a fruit salad. To do this, cut two hundred and fifty grams of washed strawberries and add them to the diced apple. Half a banana, cut into pieces, and fifty grams of yogurt with a teaspoon of honey complete the delicious salad.

Have a strawberry shake before lunch. Prepare it from one hundred grams of strawberries, to which add one hundred milliliters of milk and put it in a blender. Add half a teaspoon of honey, fifty milliliters of mineral water and drink.

Lunch consists of a salad of strawberries and asparagus with turkey. You need three hundred grams of asparagus, one hundred and fifty grams of strawberries, half a cucumber, one hundred grams of boiled turkey, half a teaspoon of broth, one tablespoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of olive oil, ten grams of finely chopped parsley.

Strawberry diet
Strawberry diet

Wash the asparagus and cut off the rough edges, cut and boil for five minutes in salted water. Drain and add the chopped strawberries, cucumber and turkey. Season with a sauce of six tablespoons of water mixed with broth, lemon juice and olive oil. Sprinkle with parsley.

Before dinner, eat one hundred and fifty grams of strawberries, which you add to one hundred grams of yogurt and a teaspoon of honey. For dinner, eat a spicy salad of three hundred grams of boiled potatoes, half a onion, finely chopped, a few leaves of celery, finely chopped, drizzled with a sauce of fifty grams of cottage cheese, a teaspoon of lemon juice, fifty grams of yogurt and a little parsley.

On the second day, have a strawberry sandwich for breakfast. To do this, spread two wholemeal slices with cottage cheese and arrange sliced strawberries on top.

Before lunch, drink a cocktail of one hundred and fifty grams of strawberries mixed with yogurt and pineapple juice. For lunch, prepare pancakes with strawberries. Make pancakes on a grease-free Teflon pan. Fill with fresh strawberries and consume.

Before dinner, eat a bucket of yogurt with a hundred grams of chopped strawberries and a tablespoon of honey. For dinner, enjoy a green salad with peppers, tomatoes and a hundred grams of chopped strawberries, flavored with cottage cheese sauce and yogurt, diluted with a teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Consume with a toasted slice.

On the third day, have breakfast with strawberry muesli, supplemented with low-fat cottage cheese and bananas. Before lunch, eat one hundred and fifty grams of strawberries with one hundred and fifty milliliters of yogurt and a teaspoon of honey.

For lunch, eat a fruit salad of your choice, but be sure to add strawberries. Before dinner, eat mashed oranges and strawberries, which is prepared by lightly stewing them with one hundred and fifty milliliters of orange juice and a teaspoon of honey.

For dinner, eat steamed or stewed vegetables, to which at the last minute add one hundred and fifty grams of strawberries. These can be carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, Brussels sprouts - the choice is yours.

On the fourth day, eat thirty grams of Camembert with two wholemeal slices of bread with butter and sliced strawberries. Before lunch, eat a fruit salad of strawberries, apple, orange and honey.

For lunch, eat fish [cod] on a bed of strawberries. Fry the fish, first pouring lemon juice over it and seasoning it with salt and pepper. Arrange one hundred and fifty grams of sliced strawberries in a plate, put the fish on top and pour a sauce of one tablespoon of water, a little mustard, spices to taste and a teaspoon of olive oil.

Before dinner, eat pickled strawberries - for this purpose, wash three hundred grams of strawberries and marinate them for half an hour in the following marinade: a spoonful of water, a spoonful of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey. Eat with yogurt.

For dinner, eat a salad with strawberry sauce. Cut vegetables of your choice in bulk and season with strawberry sauce. It is prepared from one hundred grams of strawberries, mashed, fifty milliliters of yogurt and fifty milliliters of cottage cheese, spices to taste, the juice of half a lemon.
