Expensive Strawberries In The Strawberry Season

Expensive Strawberries In The Strawberry Season
Expensive Strawberries In The Strawberry Season

The weekly analysis of the State Commission on Commodity Exchanges and Markets on the price of basic foodstuffs, fruits and vegetables revealed an unpleasant trend.

At the height of the fresh strawberry season, their wholesale price rose by nearly 30 percent in just one week.


And if ten days ago strawberries were about 2.50 per kilogram, now their wholesale price does not fall below BGN 3.09.


The trend is opposite for cherries. You can now buy delicious Bulgarian cherries at a price of 1.80 wholesale.

Most of the basic food products show only insignificant fluctuations in price.

There is a slight jump in chicken prices by about 9%.

However, it is very likely that the scandal with the presence of salmonella from a few days ago will lead to a drop in demand and hence to a drop in price.

Shopska salad is now much more affordable, after only within a week and imported tomatoes and greenhouse cucumbers fell by more than 10%.

A new jump in the price of minced meat, short-lived sausages and long-lasting salami will additionally burden the budget of households in Bulgaria.

At the height of the summer tourist season there is a tendency to gradually increase food prices in sea and resort towns.

Our sea capital Varna can boast of the highest prices for the past week, in which a kilogram of sugar was traded for 2.30-2.40 against the background of a price of BGN 1.90 / kg for Sofia.
