Top 5 Products That Harm The Diet

Top 5 Products That Harm The Diet
Top 5 Products That Harm The Diet

What products and dishes provoke appetite and lead to disruption of your diet, cause overeating and overweight?

1. Meat soups

You probably think that because the soup is made from water, it is suitable during diets. But when you eat soup, very soon after that you feel hungry again.

The fact is that fish or meat broth is full of concentrated nutrients. Receptors signal this to the brain, as a result of which it increases the production of gastric juice. And besides the soup, you will want to eat a salad, a second, a third and a dessert…

Alternative: Choose mushroom or lean soups. Special diets are based on vegetable soups, with the help of which hernia is lost.

2. Baked dishes

Top 5 products that harm the diet
Top 5 products that harm the diet

Just the thought of roast meat or baked potatoes makes your appetite, right? It rises instantly because the olfactory receptors cannot resist the strong aroma of baked goods.

As a result, our stomach produces a large amount of hydrochloric acid, which encourages you to eat everything without residue.

Alternative: choose less appetizing, but healthier and healthier cooked and stewed dishes.

3. Marinated foods

Pickles, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, garlic and herring are very tasty, but you will not be able to satisfy your hunger with them.

The acetic acid in the marinade causes an increase in the production of gastric juice and after such a sharp sour-salty taste you definitely want to eat more and more. In addition, you will want to consume drinks, which are usually quite high in calories.

Alternative: fresh vegetables and salads that are low in calories.

4. Spicy dishes

Dishes to which are added hot pepper, garlic, ginger, fresh onions warm the body from the inside, stimulate blood flow and increase appetite.

Alternative: avoid spicy spices. It is easy to create an attractive aroma of dishes with harmless appetite dill, parsley, basil, oregano, coriander, tarragon and more.

5. Sour fruits and vegetables

Sour fruits and vegetables stimulate the production of gastric juice. How it works - we explained above.

Alternative: sweet fruits - figs, cherries, but in small quantities will satisfy your hunger.
