What Are The Top 5 Products That Are Good For The Heart?

What Are The Top 5 Products That Are Good For The Heart?
What Are The Top 5 Products That Are Good For The Heart?

In our busy daily lives we need to pay attention not only to the spiritual food for the center of our emotions - the heart, but also to the useful products suitable for the proper functioning of our heart muscle. We all know that proper nutrition is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, which results in harmony and peace of mind.

We offer you a list of the best products for the heart:


1. Oatmeal. Cereals contain plenty of nutrients, such as vitamins B and E, fiber and antioxidants. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. This in turn reduces the risk of heart attacks. Another indisputable property of cereals is the prevention of diabetes.


2. Red wine. What could be better than a recommendation for consuming red wine in the cold and frosty months. Yes, red wine, taken in reasonable quantities, protects the heart. Here again, the antioxidants contained in the divine drink are responsible. Resveratrol, an ingredient in wine, reduces bad and total cholesterol, successfully copes with blood clots, protects against heart attacks.


3. Salmon. This fish is considered one of the best sources of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Experts claim that 2 to 3 fish meals a week are conducive to maintaining normal blood pressure. Authoritative studies claim that salmon reduces the risk of heart attack by up to 1/3.


4. Almonds. They contain the most omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. These nuts increase the amount of good HDL cholesterol in the blood. Studies have shown that a menu rich in nuts reduces the risk of chronic heart disease by up to 35%.


5. Avocado. Experts advise that adding 1/4 avocado to daily meals such as salad or meat reduces the level of "bad" and increases "good" cholesterol in the blood.

In addition, the specific enzymes contained in avocados accelerate the process of assimilation of carotenes by the body, which are also important for a healthy heart.
