Bulgarian Women Are Fifth In Obesity In Europe

Bulgarian Women Are Fifth In Obesity In Europe
Bulgarian Women Are Fifth In Obesity In Europe

Children in Bulgaria rank fifth in obesity among their European peers, said Associate Professor Svetoslav Handjiev from the leadership of the European Academy of Nutrition Sciences at a press conference in Albena.

The study looked at children from 32 countries in Europe. First in obesity are children in Ireland, where the percentage of overweight students is 23.1%.

Second in the negative ranking are children in Albania, where 22% of children are obese. In third place are children in Georgia with 20% obese.

In Bulgaria, the percentage of obese Bulgarian children is 19.8%. According to the World Health Organization, the levels of obesity at all ages will increase in the next 15 years, and experts predict that by 2030 in Bulgaria 89% of the population of our country will be overweight, added Associate Professor Handjiev.

Overweight is the cause of a number of diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

Experts say that measures against obesity in the country should be taken in the first 6 years. In this way, the obesity in our country will decrease by 25%.


However, if overweight people do not take any action by the age of 18, the risk of developing hypertension and diabetes increases by 75%.

Health experts add that regardless of their age, every Bulgarian should control salt consumption, as studies show that we eat 3 times more salt than the healthy norm.

The consumption of sweets for children under 5 years of age should be limited.

The menu of the Bulgarians needs more fresh milk. Another recommendation is to introduce the so-called unloading days when you eat nothing but 2 cups of yogurt.

Bulgarian children are leading in the ranking for lack of movement. According to statistics, 25.7% of children in Bulgaria spend their free time in front of computers instead of going out.
