Diet For Anorexia

Diet For Anorexia
Diet For Anorexia

Table of contents:


This increasingly common disease affects girls between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one. The main feature of anorexia is that girls suffering from it see their bodies differently.

They see themselves as overweight or obese, and then start a heavy diet, often reaching a point of starvation, which leads to muscle breakdown. This disease can only be through careful therapy based on which is to determine the psychological causes of the condition.

Nutritional treatment aims at a diet that provides up to 50% more energy than an average diet. However, the most important thing is to convince the patient that he should eat.

Hospitalization is often required if you have anorexia. During your hospital stay, your calorie intake will be closely monitored to ensure that you are getting enough food.

The initial feeding can be artificial feeding, tube feeding or intravenous feeding. Hospitalization is usually required to help you overcome your eating disorder.

Diet for anorexia
Diet for anorexia


Protein should become an integral part of your diet to promote muscle building and prevent muscle loss. Quality sources of protein should be included with each meal. Consider eggs, whey protein shakes, meat and soy products when planning your daily meals.

Omega-3 fatty acids

They support the immune system and reduce the risk of developing additional inflammation from the damage you have done to your body. The most effective food sources come from fish, such as flounder or salmon. In addition, you can take 1 tablespoon of fish oil three times a day to help build your immunity.


To help the digestive system recover from poor eating habits, you can consider adding yogurt to your daily diet. Yogurt and other dairy-fortified foods such as cheese and milk contain probiotics that can help replace the most important bacteria that may be missing in the stomach from its abuse. Probiotic supplements can also help if your doctor agrees.
