Proper Nutrition After Anorexia

Proper Nutrition After Anorexia
Proper Nutrition After Anorexia

Anorexia is a disease in which a person's weight can reach less than 20% of normal weight for his age, gender and height. The activity of the nervous system and psyche is also disturbed. One has no real assessment of oneself.

After anorexia, feeding is slow and gradual. Very often a hospital stay and artificial feeding is required. It is important to eat protein-rich foods to rebuild muscle. Protein is found in large quantities in meat and eggs.

It is also important to include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids to restore and strengthen the immune system. They are found in fish, but you can also take omega-3 fatty acids in the form of dietary supplements.

Proper nutrition after anorexia
Proper nutrition after anorexia

After anorexia you can eat a variety of fruit and vegetable purees. Suitable fruits are bananas, pears, apples, and vegetables - carrots. You can also drink fennel tea. Other suitable foods are: boiled rice, bread and cooked meats. Of the meats, chicken and turkey are suitable. You can also eat fish, but not fried. The fish should not be heavy or greasy.

Suitable foods are yogurt, which is especially useful for restoring the normal function of the digestive system. Low-fat cheeses are also allowed.

You could also include honey or dark chocolate in small quantities in your menu. Feeding should be in small portions. You could also eat different types of nuts.

Proper nutrition after anorexia
Proper nutrition after anorexia

After anorexia, you should avoid all foods that contain preservatives. Canned food of any kind is not recommended. No meat, no fish, no vegetables. Carbonated drinks are also prohibited.

Do not eat sausages, frankfurters, sausages or other similar products. Their content of preservatives, E's and other harmful substances are very dangerous for the body after anorexia. All fatty foods such as: fatty meat, butter, high fat milk and others are prohibited in the menu of a person after anorexia. Pastries and pasta should also be avoided.
