Vitamin B17 Blocks Cancer Cells

Vitamin B17 Blocks Cancer Cells
Vitamin B17 Blocks Cancer Cells

Did you know that vitamin B17 is extremely effective in fighting cancer. There are many countries where foods high in vitamin are often consumed. There were almost no patients with this insidious disease.

The highest content of B17 is contained in the stones of many fruits and these are cherries, apricots, bitter almonds and peaches. It is also high in plums, cashews, quince seeds, apples, blackberries, raspberries, millet and brown rice.

The sprouts of legumes, lentils and alfalfa are very useful and rich in vitamins. It has been studied that a few apricot kernels a day are very rich in amygdalin, which is very important for the body.

Attention! Do not overdo the consumption of apricot kernels, because in large quantities they can be poisonous.

At the beginning of the treatment of any disease, the immune system must be prepared. That is why it must be strengthened as much as possible. There are recipes for this like the one I will offer you.

Take May or June honey - 1 kg, dissolved in 1 liter of wine or vodka. In this we soak 1 kg of aloe vera. For greater efficiency, 50 g of dried forest or garden horsetail and 20-50 g of celandine are added. Celery can be replaced with buttercup. The contents of buttercup and celandine contain a poison that is strong and serves as a killer of cancer cells, and other other herbs strengthen the immune system.

St. John's Wort
St. John's Wort

All ingredients are mixed and the finished solution is placed in the dark for 12 days. When these days are over, the infusion is drunk three times a day one hour before meals. If you also have dry birch leaves and St. John's wort with thyme, you get an even more saturated solution, rich in nutrients.

You can consume 20-50 nuts and seeds of plums, apricots, almonds and peaches a day. It is very important that they are from fresh or dried fruits that have not undergone heat treatment.

Years ago, healers knew that these seeds and nuts contained a powerful poison. Later, however, modern science discovered that this poison, cyanide, did not affect the human body because it was associated with substances that neutralized it.
