Kelp - One Of The Oldest Plant Species

Kelp - One Of The Oldest Plant Species
Kelp - One Of The Oldest Plant Species

Have you ever wondered what is the oldest plant species that has flourished on our planet? This question has been of interest to a number of biologists and scientists for years. It turns out that this plant is a kelp, which can still be found today.

Kelp is a species of brown seaweed. The first data on their consumption is from 300 BC in China. At the same time, many Polynesian and Asian civilizations used the plant as a particularly valuable gift to the gods.

Today, kelp is used in the manufacture of many drugs - antibiotics, anticoagulants, cholesterol reducers and antihypertensives.

Kelp contains unique nutritional and beneficial qualities. The ancient species of algae contain the largest amounts of vitamins and minerals from any other food known to mankind.

It contains a full range of proteins, beta carotene, amino acids, fiber, all alkaline minerals and much more. Their complex action has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Like any other species of algae, kelp has a cleansing effect on the ocean. It acts in the same way on the human body.

It has been found that sufficient mineralization from the intake of kelp has the ability to normalize and calm the nervous system. Lack of minerals has been shown to lead to deteriorating health and behavior in general.

Kelp algae
Kelp algae

Another beneficial element in kelp algae is iodine. In vegetables it is at the highest levels. Adequate iodine intake has been shown to restore thyroid function, which in turn regulates weight. In combination with other minerals, iodine increases the mineral content of all organs, increasing their efficiency.

And the better they function, the better all the processes in the body will go, such as the elimination of toxins and their replacement with healthy minerals.

Because of all this, it is believed that kelp can also be used as a substitute for salt in food, which helps to remove excess fat from the body.

If you decide to try this unique and oldest culture, you will have to choose between green, blue, brown or blue algae.
