7 Vegan Foods That Can Eliminate Feelings Of Anxiety And Worry

7 Vegan Foods That Can Eliminate Feelings Of Anxiety And Worry
7 Vegan Foods That Can Eliminate Feelings Of Anxiety And Worry

Anxiety in people comes as an uninvited guest who stays longer than necessary. More and more people today are suffering from such attacks.

You should know that food in such cases is very important - there are foods that quickly and easily help us deal with the problem and those that make the situation worse.

Here are some examples of healthy foods if you are one of the victims of so-called panic attacks:

1. Nuts

Nuts are rich in vitamin B, which has a calming effect on the nervous system. In addition, the high content of magnesium and calcium in nuts favors cell conduction and muscle movements.

2. Ginger root


Ginger supplements quickly and effectively reduce the excruciating feeling of anxiety. You can easily make ginger tea at home, squeezed or planed root, added to other fruits or vegetables for juice or salad.

3. Green leafy spices and vegetables

green spices
green spices

If we add greens to salads and main dishes more often, it means that we automatically increase our levels of iron, vitamin B and Omega-3, calcium and magnesium.

4. Legumes

bean salad
bean salad

The products from the legume family largely regulate our sleep, mood and behavior. They are easily available and relatively inexpensive, and can supply our body with its much-needed protein, which we are used to mainly binding animal products.

5. Bananas


Like legumes, bananas contain a large amount of tryptophan, which calms us and favors our sleep and mood.

6. Blackberry


Try adding a handful of blueberries to your morning smoothie or favorite cheesecake and you will feel their incredible power. The high content of Omega-3 fatty acids strengthens and promotes the overall work of our immune system.

7. Guava


Guava is a product that is less common in our markets, but if you find it somewhere on the stands, do not hesitate to buy. Not only does it look good, it smells amazing and is irresistibly delicious, but it also contains a large amount of vitamin C, which improves the impaired function of the adrenal glands (a common side effect of the permanent).
