Eliminate Bloating And Gas - Here It Is

Eliminate Bloating And Gas - Here It Is
Eliminate Bloating And Gas - Here It Is

Gases and bloating are a normal process of our excretory system. However, some conditions make these processes too common and too painful. Such are the problems with the stomach; colitis or irritable bowel syndrome.

Sometimes swelling and gas may be due to improper diet. No matter what the cause, the condition can be extremely painful and unpleasant. Especially in cases where the swelling does not subside, no matter the measures we have taken, and the gases simply can not separate.

It is important to know that and gases, and swelling can be due to several harmless causes that you can deal with within a day. If you know you are prone to such conditions, avoid overeating, do not chew gum, reduce or stop smoking. In some cases, this condition is due to ingestion of air when eating or drinking fluids.

How to get rid of gas and bloating?

Foods for bloating
Foods for bloating

Apart from the way we eat, these symptoms can also be caused by the products we consume. For many people, changing eating habits is extremely helpful in combating these symptoms.

Often the causes are excessive consumption of fiber, foods high in fat, fried or spicy, carbonated beverages, artificial sweeteners or thickeners, legumes, some vegetables and fruits. Some people may suffer from a certain intolerance, and gas and bloating may be the symptoms with which the body suggests this problem - for example, lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance.

So, it makes sense that the way to deal with this is to avoid these foods. It is important to first learn to know your body. Try to keep a diary in which you record all your symptoms, when they appear, and what you have consumed before. So over time you will be able to come to the conclusion which foods are unsuitable for you.

It is important to know that foods that often lead to gas and bloating are the following: prunes - dried or fresh, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cherries, oats, oat bran, seeds, raw nuts.

You can also try the opposite approach: instead of eating everything and experimenting, eliminate all irritants from your menu and turn them back on little by little. Eat roasted or boiled skinless chicken for a few days; grilled fish; mashed potatoes, cream soups (avoiding those of peppers or cauliflower), stewed carrots, soft fruits such as melons or peaches, but without the peel.

Potato cream soup is good for bloated stomach
Potato cream soup is good for bloated stomach

Then, little by little, start including different foods. This way you will find out exactly what works on your body.

Some herbal teas also offer relief. Such are mint tea and chamomile tea.

And more important health tips - do not drink through a straw if you often suffer from gas and bloating; do not drink even carbonated water; train; practice yoga.
